Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Underwater Foraging Raft

Using The Axe Raft

Final Post

1. Which assignments did you enjoy and why?
   I enjoyed both the game journalism and the pong game the most. It was fun both creating a game and playing one. I also really enjoyed the minecraft project.
2. Which assignments did you struggle with and why?
 I would say I struggled most with the car project. It sounds easy, I know, but it's extremely difficult in my opinion to get to extremely high speeds( 180 and above), and in turn it made it difficult to accomplish

3. Report Card Comment
I feel like I was doing great at the beginning of the year, but i slowly fell off around the health week area

Monday, June 10, 2019

Game Journalism Play Day 1

What Did I Try To Do: In all honestly Just tried to survive, and I wasn't very successful when it came to that. I Died many times (Thirst,hunger, and by the shark), and was screwed over by a early shark attack that left me on a ship with only 3 planks.
However, over time I began to understand the game, and built a decent boat for my self

The photos are of the first time I cooked food, and my first bed, this also is a picture of my raft.

Debris. You collect debris by crafting a hook, and holding down left key to cast the hook out, you can get plastic, which can be used to craft certain materials, wood, which you can use to expand your boat and craft materials, and you can also get barrels, which come with a bunch of things, sometimes including food. You can also have leafs that are used to make rope